Professional Development for HITA Practitioners

For years now, our profession has been consumed with the notion that only 30% of change endeavors fully achieve their stated objectives. Countless books, articles, blogs, speeches, and conference sessions have been devoted to questions like: Is this really the correct portrayal of change’s success rate?

Building The High Impact Trusted Advisor Relationship High Impact Trusted Advisors (HITAs) are change practitioners with extraordinary access to and influence with senior leaders. Some serve executives at the C-suite level, some support key leaders in […]

The High Impact Trusted Advisor Role

Leaders responsible for implementing significant change in their organizations need access to experienced advisors who can help guide them through the pitfalls of executing these major initiatives. This role, termed […]

Walking The Mastery Path

  Throughout the last several years, I have devoted myself to investigating the contributing factors that have led some change professionals to have incredibly influential relationships with their clients (High […]

It’s About The Questions

One of the key differentiators separating High Impact practitioners from others in the field is their approach to questions. Adequate change practitioners tend to look at questions merely as vehicles to reach the right answers. When they find these answers, their thirst is quenched. They strive for efficiency in their search, which leads to binary thinking: they want to make good/bad, up/down, left/right, black/white determinations with the least time and resource investment possible. They value linear processing, low ambiguity, the permanent nature of things, and speedy decision-making. Ultimately, their self-image is often based primarily on what they have accomplished.