Are you ready to raise your game?

Are you finding yourself having less impact as a change practitioner than you believe you should? Do you want to be engaged at a more strategic level with your change initiatives than you currently are? Are you tired of chasing the latest change management concepts and techniques when you know that what you already have in your toolkit is sufficient?

You are not alone. Other seasoned change professionals share your frustration.

The field of change management is growing up and with that has come a wealth of professional development opportunities. There are numerous methodologies and certification programs available but up until now, most have focused on only one aspect of the equation for practitioner success…what you do. The other part of the equation is how you show up…who you are. This is where character and presence becomes integrated into the value a practitioner creates.

If you are already a skilled practitioner but want to increase your impact even more, to be depended on as an invaluable strategic change resource for the leaders you serve,  maybe it’s time for our Raising Your Game (RYG) workshop. For two and a half days, the RYG workshop provides a challenging, safe environment where you can explore what lies on the other side of the approaches and frameworks you use.

This is an introspective learning experience entirely dedicated to how you show up when you apply whatever change methodology you use. During the workshop, you will:

  • Examine the impact character and presence has on your effectiveness
  • Create a stronger, more authentic alignment between your character and presence
  • Explore how to secure client relationships where your character and presence are highly valued

Does this resonate with you? If so, please email us directly at for more information.




Daryl Conner                                                             Ed Boswell, PhD
Chairman, Conner Academy                                  CEO, Conner Academy                                  Ed.
404.564.4801                                                            617.869.7485


Are you ready to raise your game